Dog Days of Summer Drone On…Mental Enrichment Can Help!

Did you know that 15 minutes of olfactory work (sniffing) or playing with interactive puzzle toys is as physically exhausting to a dog as a one mile walk when heart rate and minutes of sleep are recorded afterwards?

Mental enrichment can help your dogs and cats get through the summer. It lowers stress, encourages learning and problem solving and can lead to better confidence and emotional balance.

Mental enrichment play also supports early brain development and helps prevent dementia in many different species, including dogs and humans.

We have a variety of puzzle games and toys featured this month at our store. Many of the toys have clever ways to tempt your pets with treats to keep them engaged over a longer period of time. And yes, they make puzzle toys for cats too!

Come on in and choose a new distraction for your beast–you may find that working with your pet on these games helps you pass the time as well.